In #Qigong and #TraditionalChineseMedicine, the seasons relate to the Five Elements and the corresponding Five Spirits. The Hun, the Spirit of Spring, brings us a sense of emerging creativity and growth after the season of inward reflection during Winter.
"#FiveElementsTheory arose in Taoist thought and philosophy through the observation of nature and its cycles. The Taoists wanted to understand how the universe worked and how everything related to us as human beings. They observed the heavens, the seasons, the weather, the animals, and all natural phenomena to come up with a theory of ‘everything’, or rather a very complex understanding of all phenomena"
Now is the time to allow the world to see you in all your glory. Use the fire power of the September full moon to launch that creative project you’ve had brewing, put those words on paper, let the paint brush stroke the canvas.
Whatever it is in you that needs to be creative, let it flow now. Your body will thank you.
In this spirit, Bloom With Claire has also been busy creating… and in October we will be launching a few new projects…
Nature Walks – walk amongst the energy of nature. Learn how to see and feel this energy and how you can integrate it into your daily practice. Expect some tree hugging, tree aura viewing and beautiful flowing Qigong amongst the trees.
New 7 week programmes — come and enjoy meditative movements to help you shift blocked energies. Themes will include: Moving Through Grief & Women’s Health.
Seasonal workshops – How to help your health blossom in each season through Qigong and Energy Healing practices.
Qigong Energy Healing 2.0 — Addicted to learning, I’m always integrating new things to my1:1 healings.
Come try for yourself (in person or online) – check out our Facebook reviews to
see what others are saying.