Freshwater Wellness Centre
Holding Space For Healing

Approved members can book our rooms. Please fill in the form below:
Being a regular member of Freshwater Wellness Centre is FREE and has many benefits, including:
Social marketing help
Features on our website, socials and monthly newsletter
Storage available upon approval
Group events appearing on our calendar
Being a part of an amazing healing community who will refer and support you in your healing business
Experiencing the unparalleled energetic upgrade just by working in this space
Booking and Cancellation Policy
To book, FWC recommends using our online booking system or mobile phone app to pre-book your classes. To do so, click here: https://www.freshwaterwellnesscentre.com/how-to-book and fill out the membership form and wait for approval. After member approval, bookings can be made through the website.​The deadline for canceling a pre-booked class is 48 hours prior to the class start time to avoid incurring a 50% booking fee. ​
More Policies and Procedures:
A-FRAME SIGN: leave the A-frame sign outside.
AIR CONDITIONING: The thermostat for the central air conditioning is in the foyer on the wooden wall on the left side of the lounge. Use discretion and liaise with other practitioners regarding air con use. All practitioners are welcome to bring in their own heating equipment, IE: heat packs, small heaters, etc. Ensure the air conditioning is turned off as you leave if you are the last person in the centre.
BUSINESS CARDS: Business card holders are available on top of the crystal cabinet for practitioners who use the space a minimum of once per month. Claire will occasionally filter the business cards to make it fair to those who use FWC.CRYSTAL
CABINET: The key is in the top drawer in the kitchen. If you or a client would like to purchase items you may open the cabinet. Please use bank transfer or PayPal options that are provided above the cabinet. If it is a client transferring, please make sure the transfer is complete before they take the item and ask them to describe their purchase on the transfer. Once items are purchased, please text/email Claire. This really is a trust system so your honesty and integrity with this process is appreciated.
CRYSTAL SHOP DOWNSTAIRS: this section of FWC is open at times when Claire is available and those times will be featured on the website, social media and the physical door. Claire can be contacted at any time to make an appointment to open the shop when needed. Products to be sold in the shop on consignment will be on a 15% agreement.
COMMUNICATION WITH CLAIRE: preferred communication is via email freshwaterwc@gmail.com there is a WhatsApp group for regular practitioners to discuss FWC-related items. Ask Claire to be added to this group. This group is strictly used for FWC-related things.
EVENTS NOTICEBOARD: There is a cork noticeboard at the top of the stairs. You may post a flyer here for your events. Flyers must be A5 size only and please remove after your event is completed. Online and offsite events will be removed.HEATERS: Each room is provided with an electric oil heater. Please ensure this is turned off at the end of your session and do not drape any item over the heater when in use.
ITEM STORAGE: It is possible to store some of your personal items in the Centre for regular practitioners (Regular is regarded as 4 hours or more per week). Please chat to Claire about your needs and a space may be allocated if suitable/possible. All items are left at your own risk. If you do leave items, use a box or basket and label it. Please do not touch any item belonging to another practitioner unless you have first asked for their permission. Some items belonging to the centre can be touched/used/moved, but please return to their original spot upon finishing your session to ensure nothing is lost/misplaced.
KEYS/ENTRY: If you need to use the key in the key box to enter, please return it to the box once the door is opened to avoid key loss and make it available to others who need to use it. The code may be changed at Claire’s discretion. If for some reason the key is not there, if you accidentally take it home with you or if you know that you have lost it, please report to Claire a. A fee will be charged if cutting a new key is required. Please ensure the entry door is LOCKED if you are the last person to leave the Centre. If you are unsure if you are the last person check if any closed doors have ‘Treatment in progress’ signs on, look if shoes are in the shoe rack or listen out for others being present. If in doubt it’s always better to lock up.
LIGHTS: There are two main switches for the common areas (one to the right of the entry door, the other to the left at the top of the stairs). Please ensure lights are turned off if you are the last to leave the Centre. Each room has its own light as well (some with dimmers). Please ensure these are turned off when you finish your session or leave the room for an extended period of time.
LOLLIES: A small bowl of snacks is available on the small coffee table in the foyer. These are for everyone. Claire will aim to keep this topped up; however if it is running low and you would like to refill it, there will usually be bags of lollies in the top kitchen cupboards.
OPENING HOURS: FWC is open from 6am-10pm every day except public holidays.
PARKING: The Centre has three parking spots to the far left from the entry door. They are labelled 3B. We can also use the visitor spots. These should be left for clients and only used briefly by practitioners if they need to unload items. Under no circumstances should you or your clients use the other parking spots. It is advisable to inform your clients of the parking situation before first-time arrival.
PLANTS: All plants get watered by Claire, and her mum Christine. Please do not water plants to avoid over-watering.
SHOE RACK: A shoe rack/basket is provided to the right of the stairs on entering. Please ask clients to leave their shoes here to avoid any soiling of the carpets.
TIDYING/CLEANING: The centre is professionally cleaned weekly and Claire cleans it the rest of the time. Please leave the common areas tidy if you or your clients move/leave things in common spaces and clean up any spills/rubbish left by you or your clients. We strive to have the Centre always looking clean, tidy and inviting for all who enter. Practitioner cleaning requirements include leaving their rooms as they were found and washing and putting away anything used in the kitchen. DO NOT leave dishes to dry.
WATER FILTER: The water filter is available for everyone to access and Claire will aim to keep this filled. If you notice it is running low on water, it would be greatly appreciated if you could refill it if possible (preferably with cooled pre-boiled water from the kettle). There are disposable cups next to the filter for clients to use. If these run out there are spares in the kitchen cupboard or bathroom storage. For practitioner water use, we request that you use a washable cup to cut down on disposable wastage. If there are no spare cups please report it to Claire.
WIFI is available to be accessed and password is Wellness444
CANDLES: Please DO NOT use candles in your room for safety reasons. Discuss use of candles with Claire if needed. Artificial/battery-operated candles are preferred.
CLEANING: Please ensure your room is left clean and tidy after your session. Photos are provided in each room. This may involve wiping surfaces, spot vacuums or discarding rubbish in the main bin. If there are any major spills/stains please report these to Claire.
CLEANSING PRACTICES like incense, sage and Palo Santo may be used, but please ensure a bowl/plate is used
DAMAGES: If any item/any surface or carpet is damaged in the course of your session please report this to Claire immediately/by the end of your session. A fee may be charged at Claire’s discretion if items need to be replaced.
DO NOT DISTURB: During treatment sessions please put the sign saying ‘treatment in progress’ on the outside of your door – this way other practitioners and clients will know the room is being used, can aim to keep their volume down, will avoid opening your door and will know that another practitioner is on the premises. Please avoid knocking on and opening any door that has this sign in place. Slipping a note under the door is preferred if you need to get someone’s attention.
ENERGETIC CLEARING is conducted weekly via the quantum field by Claire. This is to maintain a clean energetic frequency setup for ultimate healing and to ensure there is no energetic debris left in the space. This involves light codes, sacred geometry and 12th dimensional beings to protect and ground the space. This is unique to FWC and is what sets us apart from other spaces. Please contact Claire if anything feels “off”. It is recommended if you do not have your own cleansing practice to please use the sound bell in your room after your session to break up any energetic debris.
FOOD: You may eat in your room however please put any packages/uneaten food in the kitchen bin. If your food smells particularly strong (eg. curry) please eat in the foyer or outside and dispose of packaging in the outside bin or wash containers straight away. There are outdoor chairs provided in the carpark.
ISSUES/MALFUNCTIONING: If during the course of your session there is any type of malfunction (eg. heater not working, window stuck, something broken) please report this to Claire before you finish your session. If there is a serious issue, please report to Claire immediately.
ITEMS: Please do not remove items from the room that do not belong to you. If an item belongs to another practitioner, please do not use without prior consent. Items belonging to the Centre that can be used include lamps, artificial candles, tissues, storage baskets, wipes, pillows, heaters. Items that belong to the Centre that should not be moved: plants, artworks, decorative items (eg. statues, decorative candles, vases/pots, crystals).
WINDOWS: You may open the window as needed but please close before leaving for security reasons and in case it rains.
BLINDS: You may open/close the blinds as needed. Leave blinds closed at all times during hot weather.
CLEANING: Please ensure the room is left tidy and anything you brought in is removed. Please remove any obvious mess from the floor (eg. used tissues, leaves/flowers etc).
LIGHTS: Please turn off lights and lamps as you leave.
SHARE ITEMS: In the room there are some items available to be used by all: Yoga mats, pillows, cushions, coloured yoga blocks. Please ensure all items are returned to their original location after your event and left in the state they were in when you arrived.
STORAGE UNIT: The open cubes can be used by clients to store their items. Some practitioners have their items in baskets. Please do not use or remove these without prior consent.
VACUUMING: Please vacuum the room after your event
BREAKS/DAMAGES: If you break any crockery/glassware, please report this to Claire and carefully dispose of any broken glass. Place it in a plastic bag/knot and then throw it in the bin.
CLEANING: Please wash up any plates/glasses/cups/cutlery used by you and return to its rightful spot. Please wipe down any benches if you spill anything or drop crumbs. Please put any rubbish in the bin.
CUPBOARDS: The cupboards above the bench contain share items such as glasses/mugs, crockery, sugar, snacks, tea/coffee. You are all able to access/consume these. If you have a personal coffee mug/food item that you don’t want to share it is recommended that you label it to avoid confusion. The cupboards below the bench contain cleaning items: soap refill, washing detergent, bin liners, tea towels/cloths, cleaning products, paper towels etc.
FRIDGE: You may place any personal food/drink items in the fridge (maybe label to avoid confusion). If organic food goes off please discard (if stinky, put in an outside bin).
RUBBISH: This is not your role but if you notice the bin overflowing please report to Claire.
SOAP: Claire aims to keep the soap dispenser topped up but if you do notice it is low and wish to refill it, there should be a refill in the cupboard under the sink.
TOILET ROLLS/PAPER TOWELS: There should always be spare rolls in the container next to the toilet. If not, there should be spares in the cupboards or inside the shower. There should be spare paper towels in the cupboard under the sink.
TOILET SEAT: The lid may be kept open but please aim to keep the toilet seat down. It looks nicer!
VACUUM: The vacuum has its home in the corner next to the bin. If you use the vacuum please return it and plug the charger back in.
CASUAL BOOKINGS - use the online booking system or mobile phone app to pre-book your events and classes. ​
CANCELLATION or postponement deadline is 48 hours prior to the booking start time. Within 48 hours of the start time, 50% of the fee will be charged. If special circumstances need to be taken into consideration, please contact Claire via email. Cancellations must be made via the website, booking app or by email.
LOYALTY DISCOUNTS of 10% apply when you book a minimum of 4-hours in a week. To take advantage of this, book without paying on the booking app and await the invoice with said discount.
REFUNDS and postponing events: Claire understands that unforeseen events can occur. If you decide to cancel or postpone, this needs to be done within 48 hours of your start time. A full refund will be given to pre-paid bookings and a 50% refund within the 48 hour period. If it is not paid, invoices will be sent via email.
REGULAR BOOKINGS - contact Claire through email. Regular bookings have the same time slot each week and receive a 10% loyalty discount. Payment will be made via direct debit, card or transfer and invoices are sent weekly.
TIME AWAY for regular bookings: Outside 48hrs notice 20% of total rent owed for the time away will be charged, within 48hrs notice 50% will be charged.
At the Centre: cash, bank transfer, Pay Pal and card (when Claire is onsite)
Online Store & Mobile App Payments: card through Stripe as well as Pay Pal
Booking in advance without paying: invoices will be sent weekly
Direct Debit for regulars: Elect to pay via savings or credit card
INVOICES: invoices are sent weekly via email. Your bookings are expected to be paid for the WEEK OF YOUR BOOKING. Claire reserves the right to charge 10% for each week invoices are overdue.
For all events to be featured on the website, blog or newsletter and social media the following need to be emailed to freshwaterwc@gmail.com: Image, Date and time, Description, Price and booking link
For all social media posts, tag FWC in the post and it will be shared via stories.
Invite as collaborator and it will appear on the FWC feed.
Newsletter is sent monthly - email Claire no later than the 28th of the previous month to be featured.
Practitioner profiles on the FWC website are for those people using the space a minimum once per month. This information needs to be emailed to Claire, who will create the graphic and upload it.
Thank you for respecting these procedures. This list helps to keep everything running smoothly, safely and efficiently. All practitioners and clients being aware of these processes will be safe in the knowledge that others will respect their items and keep the rooms beautiful and tidy.
Claire Brown
Owner Freshwater Wellness Centre​
Updated January 2025